Sunday, January 5, 2014

With only a glimpse....

With only a glimpse....
With; only! (only), a glimpse...


Surreal ecstaticism,
Existential transcendentalism,
Fluttering up, Up,,,, UP!!!!! Flyyyiiinnng_(grounded); from:
those purple eyes....

Smiles past...
Mystery present,
Cordless Balloon! -(onononooon)!!!! (that I have become); from:
those! those ... those purple eyes

Existential extaticism,
Surreal transcendentalism,
Flyiiinnnininiingingin_g!!!!!!  _(grounded)_ , fluttering purple....

Oh! mysteriouis pruple; jittery-joy!!!!!


from those pruple eyes...

The Blink...

The Blink...
Delved eyes intertwined, fractionally unbreakable hold, (just for a second)!;
iiiiiiinside I see, .. see, …. 
the sea I fall into…
eye Saw the universe;

Delved eyes intertwined, fractionally unbreakable hold, (just for a second)!;
iiiiiiinside I see, .. see, ….
the sea I fall into…
I saw nothing.